What’s new and upcoming from the Vernon Snowmobile Association.
Going Up!
The Vernon Snowmobile Association is very proud to present the first look at our new chalet! 56 years ago this summer the founders of our club were building the original chalet and now this amazing new building is standing. It was a huge amount of work; Friday afternoon this was a pile of lumber and…
Chalet Work Parties
It’s been a busy few weeks. Lots of time and hard work and we are ready to do this. We are still hoping to have a good turn out of volunteers for July 8th and 9th. First load of concrete set, second load ready for the coming week, then it’s time. Let’s get this cabin…
New Chalet Construction Prep
It might be officially summer but the VSA is just getting going. The club has been working hard for months making plans and preparing for the chalet build. Many many hours in the last little while have been spent preparing the build site, fixing the road and moving material to the mountain. On Friday a…