That’s a wrap (house wrap that is)!
Thanks to Brian, Devin, Shane, Colin and Clint for an early Saturday morning start getting the Tyvek installed and off the mountain before noon. Roofing, siding, stairs are next up, stay tuned!
That’s a wrap (house wrap that is)!
Thanks to Brian, Devin, Shane, Colin and Clint for an early Saturday morning start getting the Tyvek installed and off the mountain before noon. Roofing, siding, stairs are next up, stay tuned!
The Vernon Snowmobile Association is very proud to present the first look at our new chalet! 56 years ago this summer the founders of our club were building the original chalet and now this amazing new building is standing.
It was a huge amount of work; Friday afternoon this was a pile of lumber and some sonnet tubes sticking out of the ground. There was a very dedicated and hard working group of volunteers at it all weekend. We were lucky to have a lot of help – Huber Construction Ltd was there all weekend with tools, machinery and a whole lot of expertise. Bernhard and Brian managed to get a bunch of snowmobilers organized and working and were so extremely patient with all of us. They taught us how to do it the right way and took the time to explain why we were doing it the way we did. In the end this beautiful new bulding is standing thanks to them and the amazing craftsmanship that Huber Construction is known for.
There’s still a lot of work to do, so if you can help please come out over the summer and give a hand.
But for now we’re having a little rest and getting back at it next weekend so this chalet will be ready for all the members and especially all the families to enjoy it next winter.
We will post here when the next work parties are happening, and over the summer we will feature the businesses and donors that helped us get here, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Well done everyone, and thank you so much!
It’s been a busy few weeks. Lots of time and hard work and we are ready to do this. We are still hoping to have a good turn out of volunteers for July 8th and 9th.
First load of concrete set, second load ready for the coming week, then it’s time. Let’s get this cabin built and enjoy it with our families this winter!!!
Lunch, water, drinks and snacks will be provided!! Drop a comment if you can make it.
Let’s teach the next generation to keep this sport going strong!!
WHERE?- 9am VSA PARKING LOT. From there we can direct you up to the cabin build site.
It might be officially summer but the VSA is just getting going. The club has been working hard for months making plans and preparing for the chalet build. Many many hours in the last little while have been spent preparing the build site, fixing the road and moving material to the mountain.
On Friday a dedicated crew moved the temporary shelter down to the parking lot. A lot of careful lifting and skillful driving got it safely down the road. On Saturday we had a crew up there building the forms for footings and getting ready for concrete this Friday. We couldn’t do this on our own – so many great businesses have stepped up to help:
And of course, all our dedicated members who make it all happen
July 8th and 9th is the big build day – come on out and support the club and be a part of our historic new building ! Email the club if you can make it